Canada p. 20


The tasks assigned to the Rangers include providing a military presence in support of sovereignty including, reporting unusual activities; collecting local data of significance in support of military operations; and Conducting surveillance/sovereignty patrols as tasked. The Rangers also assist Canadian Forces activities by providing local expertise, guidance and advice; conducting Northern Warning System patrols as tasked and providing local assistance to Search and Rescue activities.


The Canadian Rangers are under the command of Canadian Forces Northern Area at Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. There are Canadian Rangers in all provinces and territories except for Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. There are currently 3,500 Canadian Rangers in 144 communities across Canada.

Canadian Ranger Patrol Groups

Patrols consist of 12-30 personnel.

1 CRPG Northern Canada, 58 patrols Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Alberta, Saskatchewan, northern British Columbia and northern Manitoba

2 CRPG Quebec, 19 patrols
3 CRPG Northern Ontario, 9 patrols;
4 CRPG Pacific West Coast and interior of British Columbia, 27 patrols

144 patrols; 4000 personnel. The mission of the Canadian Rangers provide a military presence in those sparsely settled northern, coastal and isolated areas of Canada that cannot conveniently or economically be provided for by other components of the Canadian Forces. 




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