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reliability 5 (very poor)


Updated July 3, 2010


GDP $1.5-billion 2010


Budget ~$40-million 2010; $37-million 2009.


personnel 18,000 target, down from 28,000. The target does not seem to have been met at this time. 50% of personnel are Hutus, and 50% Tutsis. At this time there is political instability in the Army with factions calling on troops to mutiny.


Please treat the orbat below as speculative.

Demobilization of FNL militia


As of 2009 the FNL had 21,000 soldiers. The FNL was the main rebel group of six separate anti-government Hutu militias which fought a 10-year war with the government. An estimated 300,000 people were killed. Before integration, the army was mainly Tutsi. 2100 FNL militia were to be enlisted in the Army, 1400 in the gendarmerie, and 5000 resettled with 18-months pay and $600 to start a business. But 12,500 men were merely sent home after being given $85 each. Many of this group have retained their arms and are dissatisfied with their settlement. Illegal weapon holdings are between 100,000 to 300,000.

In the spring of 2010, some FNL militia resumed fighting the Government. There was tension ahead of the June 28 presidential election between the ruling party and several opposition groups, and all opposition members withdrew ahead of the vote (won by the ruling party with 91% of the vote in the absence of opposition candidates.) alleging the election would be rigged. European Union observers certified the lection as free of violence.


Among the law-and-order problems is the use of grenades to settle scores. The grenades cost just $3 each and are easily available.


Somalia: three infantry battalions of 850 troops each.


One battalion earmarked for AU’s East African Standby Brigade.


CGS is a brigadier-general.


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