Policy on Extracting or Reproducing Material from history@orbat.com
June 11, 2003

Scholarly Citations


Open files/pages

By open files/pages we mean any files or pages that may be accessed without a password.

1. You are welcome to use material from open files/pages for any purpose not involving user charges, without prior permission.  We ask only that you acknowledge the use, and provide a link back to our site. Please also send us an email informing us what you have used.

2. If you are charging your users, even if your product is educational, please get prior permission.

Closed files/pages

By closed files/pages we mean files or pages accessible only with a password.

Please do not reproduce any material without permission. In your email to us please tell us what you will use the material for.

You are welcome to use signed material taken from open sources for educational use, but please first ask permission. Our authors have spent considerable time and effort on material published here, and it sometimes represents years of work. We will ask you to provide a link back to our site. If applicable, we will also ask to provide a link to the website of the individual or organization that has given us the material in question.

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All content © 2003 Ravi Rikhye. Reproduction in any form prohibited without express permission.