India: The Sepoy Rebellion/Mutiny of 1857: Regiments that Rebelled/Mutinied
v.1.0 March 24, 2002

Ravi Rikhye Sources:

To the British, the events of 1857 were a mutiny.  To the Indians, they were a rebellion. Some call 1857 India’s first war for independence. A substantial part of the Bengal Army, which garrisoned Bengal and North India, revolted.  It appears only two battalions from the other armies joined the Bengal troops. The number of troops remaining loyal was:

  • Punjab troops              80,000
  • Bombay Army            36,710
  • Madras Army             59, 391
  • Nepal troops              10,000
  • British troops              24,263 [Later increased to about 80,000]
Regiments that Mutinied/Rebelled


21st Bombay Native Infantry

27th Bombay Native Infantry


1st Bengal Light Cavalry

2nd Bengal Light Cavalry

3rd Bengal Light Cavalry

6th Bengal Light Cavalry

7th Bengal Light Cavalry

9th Bengal Light Cavalry

10th Bengal Light Cavalry


3rd Bengal Irregular Cavalry

5th Bengal Irregular Cavalry

12th Bengal Irregular Cavalry

13th Bengal Irregular Cavalry

14th Bengal Irregular Cavalry

15th Bengal Irregular Cavalry


Jodhpore Legion Cavalry

Bundelkhand Legion Cavalry

Gwalior Contingent

Kotah Contingent

Bhopal Contingent

United Malwa Contingent


Nagpore Irregular Cavalry

1st Oudh Irregular Cavalry

2nd Oudh Irregular Cavalry

3rd Oudh Irregular Cavalry


1st Punjab Bengal Native Infantry


3rd Bengal Native Infantry

5th Bengal Native Infantry

6th Bengal Native Infantry

7th Bengal Native Infantry

8th Bengal Native Infantry

9th Bengal Native Infantry

10th Bengal Native Infantry

11th Bengal Native Infantry

12th Bengal Native Infantry

13th Bengal Native Infantry

14th Bengal Native Infantry

15th Bengal Native Infantry

16th Bengal Native Infantry

17th Bengal Native Infantry

18th Bengal Native Infantry

19th Bengal Native Infantry

20th Bengal Native Infantry

22nd Bengal Native Infantry

23rd Bengal Native Infantry

24th Bengal Native Infantry

26th Bengal Native Infantry

28th Bengal Native Infantry

29th Bengal Native Infantry

30th Bengal Native Infantry

34th Bengal Native Infantry

36th Bengal Native Infantry

37th Bengal Native Infantry

38th Bengal Native Infantry

40th Bengal Native Infantry

41st Bengal Native Infantry

44th Bengal Native Infantry

45th Bengal Native Infantry

46th Bengal Native Infantry

48th Bengal Native Infantry

50th Bengal Native Infantry

51st Bengal Native Infantry

52nd Bengal Native Infantry

53rd Bengal Native Infantry

54th Bengal Native Infantry

55th Bengal Native Infantry

56th Bengal Native Infantry

57th Bengal Native Infantry

60th Bengal Native Infantry

61st Bengal Native Infantry

62nd Bengal Native Infantry

64th Bengal Native Infantry

67th Bengal Native Infantry

68th Bengal Native Infantry

69th Bengal Native Infantry


Ramgarh Light Infantry

Jodhpore Legion

Oudh Irregular Force

Harianna Light Infantry

Kotah Contingent

Medhdipore Contingent

Gwalior Contingent

Bhopal Contingent

The total number of regiments in the Bengal Army was [approximate count]:


-         5 Bengal European Cavalry Regiments

-         10 Bengal Light Cavalry Regiments

-         18 Irregular Cavalry Regiments

-         50 other cavalry regiments


-         6 Bengal European Infantry Regiments

-         74 Bengal Native Infantry Regiments

-         82 other regiments


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