British Regiments in India 1857-58

v.1.0 March 24, 2002

Ravi Rikhye

This is an incomplete list. Some of these regiments were reinforcements sent after the 1857 Mutiny began.

The East India Company had a three-tier system for its land forces. The majority of regiments were recruited by the East India Company from the local population, each with a couple of British officers. The EIC also had Indian regiments that were manned by whites.  Last, the regular British Army stationed its regiments in India. Though India was not yet the "Jewel in the Crown", the Empire’s most valuable asset needed all the protection it was possible to provide.  The British Government also wanted to ensure a firm control over the Company. This was not a case of a government protecting trade. London kept tightening its control over the EIC, till the latter became the commercial face of the British Government in India. This process came to its logical end whenLondon cancelled the EIC’s historic charter and seized direct control of India after the Mutiny erupted.


2nd Dragoon Guards

6th Dragoon Guards

7th Hussars

8th Hussars

9th Lancers

14th Light Dragoons


1/5th Foot

1/8th Foot

1/10th Foot

1/13th Foot

18th Foot

32nd Foot

34th Foot

35th Foot

37th Foot

42nd Foot

43rd Foot

52nd Foot

53rd Foot

1/60th Foot

61st Foot

64th Foot

68th Foot

71st Foot

75th Foot

78th Foot

81st Foot

83rd Foot

84th Foot

86th Foot

87th Foot

88th Foot

90th Foot

93rd Foot

95th Foot

97th Foot

2nd Rifle Brigade


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