USA p. 17


programs; provide DS/GS ammunition support to U.S. Army Forces in the Pacific Theater; Command and Control Kure area installations including well-being programs for assigned and supporting units

58th Signal Bn, FT Buckner, Japan[1]

Provide global satellite communications reach back capability and provide information systems support for the Warfighter, Unified Combatant Commanders, and National Agencies, enabling joint and combined battle command; provide access to and defend the Okinawa LandWarNet; provide joint theater communications and electronics maintenance and supply.

78th Aviation Battalion (Camp Zama)

            HHD (Airfield support services)

                        Flight operations


                        Air Traffic Control

            Alpha Company

                        Flight Platoon UH-60

                        Maintenance Platoon

Fixed wing Detachment UC-35 Cessna jets (ex 17th Aviation Brigade, Korea

78th Signal Battalion (supports US Army Japan)

88th MP Detachment[2]

To provide Law Enforcement (Provost marshal, MP Desk, Traffic Accident Investigation, Military Police Investigations, Military Working Dog, and Force Protection) support in all US Army installations on mainland Japan, Maintain liaison with federal and Host Nation law enforcement agencies; Provide military police and law and order augmentation in the USARPAC area of operations.

441st Military Intelligence Battalion[3]

The 441st MI Battalion (provisional), scheduled to transform to a forward collection battalion in FY12, conducts open source, counter-intelligence and human intelligence operations throughout the Pacific area of responsibility. Its headquarters is at Camp Zama, Japan.

836th Transportation Battalion

BG Crawford F. Sams Health Clinic

Military Police Battalion[4]

Provide command and control over the Military Police Units assigned to USARJ, provide Law Enforcement and Physical Security in support of force protection on USARJ installations, and train to deploy MP modules in support of USARPAC directed deployments.


U.S. Army Engineer District

USA Public Health Command - Pacific (Provisional)

U.S. Army Dental Activity

U.S. Army Japan District Veterinary Command



500th MI Group

US Army Japan & 9th Theater Support Command

Korea ( see 8th Army entry)







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