India p.2

Two more divisions are under liesurely raising; we estimate a readiness date around 2012. Both are to be equipped with helicopters and lightweight 155mm howitzers. The acquisition process for Indian Army equipment is completely dysfunctional despite large sums earnmarked for new weapons. Both the helicopter program and light medium gun program are encountering severe bureaucratic delays.


A major expansion of paramilitary and border forces has taken place, further expansion is authorized.


Approximate estimate for combat/combat support battalions


Tank                                        64 (including new raisings)

Mechanized                             45

Reconassiance & Support        4 (More raising)

Special Forces                          7 (more raising, estimated 3)

Special Frontier Force              7 battalions



            Ladakh (4+ battalions)

1st (Himachal)

            2nd (Kumaon)

            3rd (Garhwal)

[1] There is considerable misinformation about the Indian Army Scouts: reported units like the Dogra, Doda, Padar etc Scouts do not exist but have been proposed at one time or another)



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