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Posts for 2011

0230 GMT December 31, 2011


Blockade versus Embargo



What exactly are we trying to pressure Iran to do?



So are we saying “Darn the torpedoes, full speed ahead”?



Aesthetics and disrespect?



0230 GMT December 30, 2011



0230 GMT December 29, 2011



0230 GMT December 28, 2011


0230 GMT December 27, 2011



30 GMT December 26, 2011


There’s a lot happening around the world, but nothing that requires a shout-out or a rant




0230 GMT December 25, 2011



The annotated nightly briefing from Reader Luxembourg

0230 GMT December 24, 2011


0230 GMT December 23, 2011


0230 GMT December 22, 2011




0230 GMT December 21, 2011


0230 GMT December 20, 2011



0230 GMT December 19, 2011





0230 GMT December 18, 2011


0230 GMT December 17, 2011



0230 GMT December 16, 2011


We forgot to mention yesterday in connection with the story about the universe as a video game: That idea comes up a lot, but we think Brian Greene in “The Hidden Reality” explains it best.



0230 GMT December 15, 2011


Butter in Norway reaches $900/kilo: Is the world about to end?


The news

·         What we suggest to this letter writer is to calm down for a minute. First, how likely is it the 15-year old does not know a girl over 17 who can get the contraceptive for her? Second, the letter writer has a very strange conception of how the police work. If a 15-year old walked into a station to say she had been raped by her parent/guardian, absolutely the last thing that would happen in real life is the cops rolling on the floor laughing saying “You are such a kidder!”

0230 GMT December 14, 2011



0230 GMT December 13, 2011


Aviation Week on the US drone Apparently no one is panicked.



0230 GMT December 13, 2011


Just saying….


Caution: all figures here are back-of-envelope. You want precision, work out better figures and forward to us. We’re happy to put them up.


0230 GMT December 11, 2011


0230 GMT December 10, 2011




0230 GMT December 9, 2011


“Where does the time go?” trilled Joni Mitchell and that’s what happened today. We forgot we hadn’t updated, and were redoing several Concise World Army files lost in the computer crash. We though all document files were backed up by Mozy Back Up, but the free version only does the files in “My Documents” so we lost a lot of countries update. The external hard drive where backups are supposed to go had a loose connection so we did not know nothing was backing up there. Anyway, only a very short update tonight, with apologies.


0230 GMT December 8, 2011


Another exciting day at the ranch. For sheer excitement, nothing beats entering into Google search “Yemen Army 1st Brigade” and then continuing to 401. That last number is the highest brigade number we’ve seen so we stopped there. There may be more. Before the Arab Spring hit Yemen, there was little publically available about its brigade numbers. For the last several months people have been furiously blogging and tweeting and so on. Of course, it’s not as simple as just entering the search time and seeing if something pops up. You still have to go through several entries for each number. If there is a point to all this, please do write; Editor would love to know.

0230 GMT December 7, 2011

70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. We’d like to disabuse, if we can, the notion that FDR let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor as an excuse for bringing the US into the war. Even had the Japanese not attacked Pearl, their attack on the Philippines would have led to a war with the US.  Please to notice FDR did not declare war on Germany. He may have wanted to, to help Britain, but the American people were pretty isolationist and did not want to involve themselves in a European War. It was Hitler’s folly in declaring war against the US that led to the US intervention in Europe

One thing we should all be able to agree on without being accused of revisionism. Knowing that putting embargos on Japan would cripple its economy, US either should have thought ten times over before taking actions which – if someone had taken against us would 100% have led to war – forced the Japanese to attack. Alternatively, US should have been prepared for the consequences of its anti-Japan actions. The last thing the US should have done is stick a dozen sticks in the Japanese hive and then fail to be prepared for war. Yes, if FDR had told the American people sanctions against Japan would lead to war they may well have said forget about China. That’s the way democracy works, like it or not.

Should the US have intervened against Japan for China? Two things. It’s easy to forget that till the communists took over China, US and China had a close relationship. And considering the horrible atrocities the Japanese were committing, it was morally right for US to intervene. Simultaneously the US should have heavily reinforced the Pacific and been ready for war. If FDR though the American people wouldn’t go for this, we repeat, then morally right or not, he shouldn’t have acted against Japan.

What were some of the US’s actions against Japan? Oil, iron, and steel were embargoed. Japanese assets were frozen. The Dutch and the British followed suit at least on the oil. So what were the Japanese supposed to do except to go to war? None of this to justify what the Japanese were doing in China.

It’s fine for the Japanese to say to the west “You all built your colonial empire and reaped the benefits, why aren’t we being allowed to do the same thing?” First, this was the 1930s and not the 19th Century. People’s ideas on what was acceptable behavior toward the natives had changed. Second, the only colonial power who remotely approached the Japanese brutality against China was Leopold of Belgium with his genocide in the Congo. Remember the Europeans, in the early 20th Century, were so aghast at Leopold that they collectively threatened intervention. The Congo was taken away from him (it was his personal estate) and made the responsibility of the Belgian Parliament.  Even here, Leopold’s genocide came in the form of treating labor very badly so that hundreds of thousands died due to malnourishment, maltreatment and the like. Leopold was not having his soldiers bayonet Congo men, women, and children for sport or as a way of making his soldiers ruthless. Of course, then Hitler had to come along and make the Japanese look like hypersensitive protectors of human rights.

The more things change the more they remain the same, say the French. We’re a bit surprised that more people don’t see parallels between FDR 1941 and W Jr. 2001. In both case, the men’s hearts were in the right place. But when it came to thinking before acting, FDR and W Jr. had a lot in common. This is the curse of humanity. Just as every generation of children have to make the mistakes of their parents, countries have to keep making the same mistakes again and again. It’s just the way it is. It cannot be changed. Editor will not be around in 2071, but he can say with full confidence a US president will do something so stupid and so costly that people for years will be trying to find conspiracies and plots because they will refuse to believe people can be so monumentally stupid.



0230 GMT December 6, 2011



0230 GMT December 5, 2011



0230 GMT December 4, 2011


0230 GMT December 3, 2011


0230 GMT December 2, 2011



0230 GMT December 1, 2011


0230 GMT November 30, 2011


0230 GMT November 29, 2011



0230 November 28, 2011



0230 November 27, 2011


0230 November 26, 2011

Letter from "Irate Reader"

Editor's Response

0230 November 25, 2011

0230 November 24, 2011

0230 November 23, 2011

0230 GMT November 22, 2011

Pizza is a vegetable? Has US gone starkers?

Justin Beiber



0230 GMT November 21, 2011

0230 GMT November 20, 2011

0230 GMT November 19, 2011

The Pakistan Coup Crisis

0230 GMT November 18, 2011

0230 GMT November 17, 2011

0230 GMT November 16, 2011

"My Little Cesspool"" Reader Luxembourg in Chicago



0230 GMT November 15, 2011

0230 GMT November 14, 2011



0230 GMT November 13, 2011

0230 GMT November 12, 2011


0230 GMT November 11, 2011


0230 GMT November 10, 2011

0230 GMT November 9, 2011

0230 GMT November 8, 2011

Today's post has nothing to do with the GWOT or strategic affairs


 Not sure if the above statistics are correct but these are the numbers that are thrown about by financial planners, MBA's and government workers.

0230 GMT November 7, 2011


0230 GMT November 6, 2011

1400 GMT Correction: Ortega of Nicaragua was cleared for 3rd term by Supreme Electoral Council, which should be independent but which is controlled by ruling party. Nonetheless, this permission is not constitutionally valid and the Constitution forbids a third term He may get more than 50% of today's vote, obviating the need for a run-off.

0230 GMT November 5, 2011

0230 GMT November 4, 2011

0230 November 3, 2011

0230 November 2, 2011

0230 November 1, 2011

0230 GMT October 31, 2011

0230 GMT October 30, 2011

0230 GMT October 29, 2011

Iraq: And so it starts


0230 GMT October 28, 2011

0230 GMT October 27, 2011

0230 GMT October 26, 2011

0230 GMT October 25, 2011

0230 GMT October 24, 2011

In the absence of real news, the Editor will now proceed to pontificate. This might be a good time to take that nap you've denied yourself all last week.


0230 GMT October 23, 2011

0230 GMT October 22, 2011

0230 GMT October 21, 2011

0230 GMT October 20, 2011

0230 GMT October 19, 2011

0230 GMT October 18, 2011

0230 GMT October 17, 2011


0230 GMT October 16, 2011


0230 GMT October 15, 2011



0230 GMT October 14, 2011

0230 GMT October 13, 2011


0230 GMT October 12, 2011

0230 GMT October 11, 2011

We did not update October 8, 9, and 10 as the server was down. Our service provider generously charges us very little, though we are serious bandwidth and disk space hogs because of the rest of the site (which we have not been maintaining but all the material posted is still available. So when something goes wrong we don't get much priority from the service provider, understandably.