0230 GMT August 31, 2006



0230 GMT August 30, 2006



0230 GMT August 29, 2006



0230 GMT August 28, 2006




0230 GMT August 27, 2006




0230 GMT August 26, 2006


0230 GMT August 25, 2006


0230 GMT August 24, 2006


0230 GMT August 23, 2006


0230 GMT August 22, 2006

The Art Of Making Up A Plausible Story: Advice To The Young


0230 GMT August 21, 2006



0230 GMT August 20, 2006


0230 GMT August 19, 2006



0230 GMT August 18, 2006



0230 GMT August 17, 2006


We misspelled Mr. Luke Graysmith's name yesterday [Letters]. We are always confused between the American and English spelling of "grey" versus "gray". Apologies, and many of them.


0230 GMT August 15, 2006



0230 GMT August 14, 2006


1830 GMT August 13, 2006



0500 GMT August 13, 2006




0230 GMT August 13, 2006



1430 GMT August 12, 2006


Summary Update



0230 GMT August 12, 2006


UN Security Council Adopts Resolution 1701




2130 GMT August 11, 2006


Tomorrow: How The Americans Tried To Scam The Israelis And The Israelis Avoided The Trap - and Scammed The Americans.


0230 GMT, August 11, 2006





Israel Suspends Offensive To Give Peace Talks A Chance - Report from Reuters quoting Israeli Maariv. This is the clearest indication so far Israel is grasping at straws and doing everything to avoid biting the bullet. While we cannot blame Israel because all outcomes are bad, moves like this just make a bad situation even worse.




0230 GMT August 10, 2006




2130 GMT August 9, 2006




1230 GMT August 9, 2006




0230 GMT August 9, 2006



1730 GMT August 8, 2006



0230 GMT August 8, 2006



2130 GMT August 7, 2006




0230 GMT August 7, 2006




2200 GMT August 6, 2006


How To Lose While Declaring Victory: The US Can Learn From Israel




0400 GMT August August 6, 2006


The Ship Of Fools: Captained By The United States, Sailed By the French, And With The Israelis As Non-Paying Passengers Just Waiting To Start The Kvetching About Lack Of Service



So Given The Above, What The Heck Is Everyone Talking About?


0230 GMT August 5, 2006


A Political Statement By The Editor


The News





1630 GMT August 4, 2006



1230 GMT August 4, 2006




0230 GMT August 4, 2006


0230 GMT August 3, 2006


We are facing several problems in reporting/analyzing the Israeli offensive against Lebanon. First and foremost, it is very clear the Israeli leadership has no clue as to what it is doing. For example, it was against an international force when it started the war, but now an international force has become the promised land. Then Israel said it had no intention of repeating 1982; now people are saying that until and international force arrives - and between us, our readers, and the wall, no force capable of maintaining the peace will be allowed in by Hezbollah - Israel will have to occupy Lebanon, i.e., it is going to do a repeat of 1982.  First Israel said it was beating the heck out of Hezb, now it says Hezb has several thousand  anti-tank missiles and it cannot stop 3-4 man anti-tank  Hezb teams from popping up in previously cleared ground and causing casualties.


In addition to these problems there is the outright spin and evasion coming out of GHQ. Israel has, of course, the right to say what it wants. But given its press is being super-patriotic and permitting disagreements to come out only in the most general terms, we are limited in terms of useful information. For example, clearly Israel staged the raid at Balbeck to get its two men back: its information was the men were being held in a bunker below the hospital. Well, no surprise, they did not get the men, and that is no discredit to the IDF: we've mentioned before how difficult these operations are and how high the chance of failure. But instead of saying, okay, we didn't get the men, IDF is saying we've taught Hezb that our reach is unlimited. Please, Babaloos, explain to us how you have taught Hezb something they didn't know. Not content with just keeping quiet, an Israeli general says IDF has caught some "tasty fish". Well, your editor doesn't eat fish so he can't say what is tasty, but we don't think 5 ordinary Hezb supporters/fighters are exactly tasty by anyone's standards.


In this situation, where black has become white and white has become black, and every Israeli politician and general says something else, we see little point in doing day-by-day analysis. We cannot use our limited time to keep making the same points to refute what some other Israeli leader in fantasy-land is saying. We completely supported Israel's operation because we believed it would help the US. All we now see is a major disaster for the US. American global policy was already dead in the water because of Iraq. Now there is another huge distraction on top of a huge distraction. By its failure to win a quick, decisive victory against Hezb, Israel has badly hurt the US.


We'd like to make one thing clear: at no point are we saying that we have any clue as to what Israel should have done. We have no idea what it should have done. But we do know, from its own changes in goals, that it has not succeeded in doing what it started out to do. Knowing what we know now, we can see the obvious and understand Hezb would not be easily defeated if at all, given Israel's limited staying power. We assumed the Israelis knew what they were doing, and we were wrong.


The US should be getting out of the bad situation ASAP. There is zero chance this will happen, because US is as guilty of living in lala land as the Israelis. As evidence of the lala landness, you have only to look to Iraq, on which we have almost stopped reporting because the situation is far, far worse than we ever imagined it could get, and we don't want to depress our readers or ourselves. It is anger-making in the extreme that the moronic bunch who rule this country from Washington have put the armed forces in a situation where there is simply going to be more casualties and more casualties for nothing. The reality is that American leaders' failure to handle Hurricane Katrina was not an aberration. It was a demonstration of those leaders' sudden-found ability to muck up anything the least bit complex. Total lame cluelessness has become the hallmark of American leadership. Though this is utterly beside the point, we do NOT believe this is a Republican or Mr. Bush thing. It is a universal American leader thing,


Given all the above, your editor at least needs to back off and regain his sanity. It is the old problem of trying to understand insane people: you hang around with them long enough, you also become insane. This happened to your editor on Iraq, where he began to argue about the epicycles on the epicycles, to the total detriment of his understanding of the reality. Most of the people who read this blog are very pro-military and since the idiot mainstream media was attacking the military left and right, it was natural we would rise to defend the military. This is also besides the point, but, oddly, the media has become a lot better educated and has started to see that the military and failed American policies in Iraq are not synonymous, that the military has actually done a fantastic job within the limits imposed. Be that as it may, your editor definitely finds himself too closely involved with the Israeli and American craziness on Lebanon that is getting worse by the day.


Your editor has lost track of what he was trying to say, so lets just focus on a short news update.


1930 GMT




1230 GMT


0230 GMT




0230 GMT August 2, 2006


0230 GMT August 2, 2006


1830 GMT



0230 GMT August 1, 2006


1715 GMT




1130 GMT





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